Saturday, January 7, 2012

Talking to Toddlers!


As parents most of us like to think that we will never go through what we call the “Terrible Two’s” or the “Tortuous Three’s” but in all reality, all parents will experience this at one stage of their child lives or another. However, it is not as scary as it sounds, and it is something that is easily overcome is worked at enough. Trust me, I went through it with my three year old daughter, and it strengthened the bond we had by two. I admit, going into it was one of the scariest things I have ever experienced, but once I learned how to handle what she was going through, it was a breeze.
I can tell you right now that going into this you are going to have to have a lot of patients, and an open mind. You can not go into this type of situation using your brain, you have to put your heart first. At night when you crawl into bed you will want to cry because your patients are worn thin, but each day you will see progress.
 I was one of those mothers, I did crawl into bed at night, and I did cry. It was stressful and heart wrenching. I just wanted my loving daughter back without all the attitude, but soon I got ahold of a book that helped me understand it all, Talking To Toddlers It made the road I experienced easier, but it was still hard, and it will be hard at first, but those times when you have your little girl or boy back for a second make up for all the rebellion put forth.

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